Planning for a Gap Year

The term "Gap Year" reflects a year (or years) taken after graduation but before beginning medical or other health professions school. The term gap year is misleading. While it does reflect a gap between graduation and matriculation, the year is actually used for important and significant activities and thus is a year of growth, discovery, experience and maturation. More than 75% of Duke students will take at least one gap year; nationally the average age of applicants entering medical school is around 24.

What are the advantages of taking a gap year?

What might you do during a gap year?

What have other Duke students done during their gap year(s)?

Their experiences are widely varied and tailored to their interests or needs! Listen from Duke alums as they share their gap year experiences. These are audio files you can listen to anywhere.

How can you learn more about planning your gap year experience?

Review resources from the Fall 2021 Gap Year Planning Labs: