Course information form and professional qualification certificate

You need to provide us with details of the relevant professional qualification (degree, diploma, or other qualification) which first enabled you to practise your profession outside the United Kingdom.

We refer to this as your ‘primary qualification’ throughout our international application process.

In relation to your primary qualification your need to provide us with:

If you hold more than one qualification which enabled you to first practise, please complete a separate course information form for each. For example you may have completed an undergraduate and postgraduate degree as part of your training to prepare to practise in your profession.

The course information form

Please note, we have introduced a new version of this form in July 2023. Older versions will no longer be accepted for applications received from 1 September 2023 onwards.

The course information form provides us with details of theoretical and practical content and learning outcomes of the primary qualification you completed.

We use the information in this form to determine whether your primary qualification is comparable to our standards of proficiency for the profession you are applying to join.

The course information form should be completed with the education provider providing your primary qualification to ensure it contains the level of detail required.

The completed form must be uploaded as part of your online application as one document. Uploading sections of this document as separate files or uploading this document as a scanned image will not be accepted. Please note the scan must be machine readable.

Information we require in the course information form

Your completed form must include:

This information may be taken from a course syllabus but must only include parts of the course which you undertook.

The completed course information form must also:

Reviewing your course information form

We will review the information provided in this form when you submit your application. We will be unable to assess your application if we feel your university or training institution has not provided enough detail.

Therefore, making sure your completed form includes all necessary details and certification as listed above is crucial to avoid any delays in your application process.

All documents submitted as part of your application will also be checked for plagiarism.

Course Information Form download

Your professional qualification certificate

You must also provide a certified copy of your professional qualification certificate and, where appropriate, a certified copy of an official English translation. The qualification certificate must correspond to the qualification you provided detailed information about in the course information form.

Additional qualifications you have completed

You may also include details of any additional qualifications which you consider relevant to your application. If you do, for each additional qualification you must provide:

You do not need to provide course information forms for each additional qualification you include in your application, unless the additional qualification enabled you to first practise your profession outside the United Kingdom.

You do not need to provide details of your general (school) education unless it is directly relevant to your practice as a health and care professional.

Certifying your documents

Copies of your documents must be correctly certified by a person of standing in the community

Documents you need to prepare and certify

Before applying, prepare and certify your documents to avoid delays to your application